

Welcome to my blog! I plan to post my thoughts on books I read here. I usually stick to Sci-Fi/Fantasy books and love them. I read a lot so ...

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Knockout Series Review

The Knockout series currently has two books in it. The series is written by Max Lagno and Dan Sugralinov. The books are a spin-off of Sugralinov's Level Up book series, but are still quite different. The first book was published on January 9th of this year and the second book will be published within a few days, December 9th. The first book is on Kindle Unlimited.

The Knockout takes place in the same world that Sugralinov's Level Up series does, and it has many of the same characteristics. The main character, Mike Hagen. Mike is pretty much a weak child, even though he is 30 years old. He is barely over 5 feet, single, and very little money. He works in a tech store, repairing and troubleshooting, one of his few skills. He isn't the smartest and below average in every way, but he always dreamed of becoming an MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter. His intense fear of pain, lack of physical strength, lack of training, etc. hasn't really helped him though. Soon after the story starts, similarly to Phil in Level Up, he receives an interface, or, as he calls it, the system. Every system/interface is different though, and Mike's is tailored to developing his fighting skill and strength. Now, fighting people much stronger than him who have been training a lot longer, Mike's life will not be easy even with his system.

This was a really great book. Both this book and the main series were similar in mechanics, but made so much differences because of the main characters. In the main series, the main character was going towards building a company and making money, but in The Knockout the main focus was strength and skill in fighting. This made it seem a lot different, not in a better or worse way, just different. I really liked this book though, it was just as good as the main series. The Knockout has great character development and the fighting really mixes up the pace. I would definitely recommend the book, especially if you enjoyed the main series. I would read the main series first, but it isn't necessary to read this book, but it does help for the second. Great read though, and I just love the way it is written. It had some unexpectedly funny parts as well where I just chuckled aloud, which for me doesn't happen that often. This is really something I would recommend though, you will not regret reading it.
Image result for the knockout level up

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